GDPR Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator

Getting Started

With you can have your notice online as fast as you can click! Here we outline the requirements, the three (3) steps to place a notice, and how to update and delete a notice. Always remember that help is at hand.


There are only two (2) requirements to publish a notice.

  • A clear photograph of your loved one.
  • The text that will appear in the notice. You can use the first few sentences as a leading sentence (called lead), which will appear prominently at the top of the page.

3 Steps to Place A Notice

You can begin the process before you create an account by clicking the Place a Notice button. You will be guided through the whole process. There are three (3) main steps:

Enter the notice details

The notice details consist of the following:

  • The type of notice
  • The full names of the deceased
  • The life dates of the deceased
  • The notice package (Free, Simple or Standard).
  • The main announcement text together with an optional but recommended lead paragraph, which provides a summary of the notice.

Click the 'Save' button to proceed. Depending on the notice package and whether you are a registered and logged in user, you will be directed to either a payment page or a registration page. If you selected a Free notice clicking 'Save' will advance you to the notice administrator page where you can complete your notice. If you selected a Simple or Standard notice then you will be given an opportunity to complete your notice by making payment. View our current pricing.

You can prevent your notice from expiring by making a payment. We use PayPal to process payments and you have two options:

  • Use your PayPal account to submit payment, or
  • Pay by credit or debit card through PayPal without using a PayPal account.

You can also use your PayPal account after you top up your PayPal account through M-PESA.

Upload the photo

A photo is needed to publish your notice. Please provide a clear photo (best is 512x512 pixels square) which has the deceased as the only subject in the photo. We have provided a link to a helpful online image-cropping tool to resize your image.


Once the notice is ready to be published a banner will appear at the top of the notice administrator page with a button. Click 'Publish' to make it instantly visible by anyone from anywhere.

Once the notice is published a 'Share' button will appear on the notice administrator page allowing you to share on WhatsApp using the 'WhatsApp' link. Alternatively, you can copy the page link to share with family and friends.

Updating A Notice

You can update* the content of your notice at any time; don’t worry if the text has incomplete details. For example, if you are publishing a notice of death and funeral plans, and lack the burial date you can always update that as and when you have it.

If you have any questions and require any assistance please get in touch with us through our contact page quoting your notice ID number.

*Some details cannot be modified once the notice is created. For example, the first and last names as well as the type of notice cannot be amended for security purposes. Please ensure that these are correct befor you click 'Save'.

Deleting A Notice

You have full control over your notice. Feel free to delete your notice at any time. No need to ask us for permission. Once you delete your notice it is permanently gone. We do not keep any records of past notices.

To delete your notice simply click the 'Delete' button in the Notice Admin page. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.

Help At Hand

We are here to help. If you encounter any problems using do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the contact page. You can also send an email with the notice ID to us.