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Notices are CHANGING! Online notices are the way forward

About is the online hub for digital notices to honour and remember your departed loved ones. We strive to make it simple and affordable to communicate and share memories with family and friends through modern technology. Here are nine (9) reasons why you should use


Placing notices in papers is expensive because you are competing for space with other advertisers, not just other notices. Newspapers have real world costs associated with printing your notice and most of these costs do not add any value to your notice. For example, in one newspaper, a single appearance of a 6cm by 8.9cm notice with a black and white photo will cost at least £120 while a full page colour notice costs over £4,100 - all this for a notice that will only be published on a single day (additional days cost extra).

On the contrary every Standard notice on allows permanent access with a full colour image for just £15.

Package Price Expires after Notes
Free notice Free 30 days You can upgrade to a Simple of Standard notice at any time during the 30 days. Once expired the notice will be deleted.
Simple notice £10 365 days You can upgrade to a Standard notice at any time during the 365 days. Once expired the notice will be archived (not deleted).
Standard notice £15 Never

You Are In Control

Paper notices cannot be changed once they have been published. gives you the access to edit the notice at your convenience.

Privacy by Default

You decide who will see your notice. We provide you with a permanent private link by default.

Share With Those Who Care

Newspaper notices are non-specific and target no-one in particular. With you use your social networks to get the message to those who need to see it.

Globally Accessible

Your digital notice will be accessible by anyone from anywhere with the link. There is no need for an expensive subscription or a physical copy of the publication for your family and friends to view the notice. Paper notices are tied to a geographical location and when provided online come with impractical restrictions. For example, having access to a digital copy of the newspaper does not allow you to share that access, which defeats the purpose of publishing in the newspaper in the first place.

Mobile-first User Experience

The growing majority of online content is consumed using smart phones and we have designed to give you a first-class mobile experience. No need to pinch and zoom or strain your eyes to place and view notices.

Pour Your Heart Out

We have set a very high limit on the amount of text you can include meaning that you can include a mini-biography. And given that your notice is permanent* you can add memories as and when you remember them.

*Only Standard notices do not expire. Free and Simple notices expire after 30 and 365 days, respectively.

Publish Now!

Your complete* notice becomes live the moment you publish it. You are in the driving seat. You can also choose to hide your notice at the click of a button.

*A notice is complete when it has a photo. Notices without photos cannot be published.

Constantly Improving

Every day we work hard to improve your experience of If you have any suggestions please take a minute to contact us and we promise to take it seriously.

9 solid reasons to go digital

Here are 9 reasons to choose digital notices over traditional paper notices.

  1. Affordability
  2. You Are In Control
  3. Privacy by Default
  4. Share With Those Who Care
  5. Globally Accessible
  6. Mobile-first User Experience
  7. Pour Your Heart Out
  8. Publish Now!
  9. Constantly Improving